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1 Article
6 Min Read

Two Fingers

Traditions have changed. We used to write letters to our other half, expressing how the days are longer and the nights unbearable. Now, we send memes instead, and the “other half” is divided into quarters and eighths. Navigating the complexities of modern relationships feels like an impossible task. How do people manage multiple partners? I can’t even handle one! Maybe I’m doing it wrong because comparing my approach to my friends’, hapa sipati kitu. Am I too nice? Too romantic? Siku hizi wanasema ni ‘simping.’ Should I take her out? Where is the limit? Mniwache bana!

The stories from my uncles and aunties about their courtship days are a stark contrast to today’s dating scene. Their determination and gestures seem like fairy tales. I wonder if we’ve lost something essential in our quest for convenience and instant gratification. This family therapy, sharing bottles under the moon, and talking about life, keeps me grounded and reminds me of what truly matters.